Toivo Kuula -laulukilpailu 2025

Rules of the Toivo Kuula Singing Competition 2025

The Toivo Kuula Singing Competition 2025 is organised by the City of Alavus. A competition committee has been set up to organise the event.

The venue for the semi-final and final of the Toivo Kuula Singing Competition is held in Alavus (address TBA) on 9th and 10th of August 2025.
The preliminary competition will be held in Seinäjoki-sali (address Kalevankatu 35, 60100 Seinäjoki) on Sun the 19th of January 2025.

Participants for the preliminary competition will be selected in a pre-qualification process based on the competition videos.
The registration period is between 1st of September and 31st of October 2024. Registration takes place using an electronic form that opens on the website.

The names of those selected for the preliminary competition will be announced on the 8th of December 2024 on the competition website. In addition, more detailed instructions will be sent to the competitors by electronic invitation letter.

The preliminary competition will be held on Sun the 12th of January or Sun the 19th of January 2025 in Seinäjoki in Seinäjoki-sali (os. Kalevankatu 35, 60100 Seinäjoki). The selected candidates will be notified of the results of the qualification in January 2025.

The semi-final will be on Saturday the 9th of August 2025 in Alavus (address TBA). The names of the finalists will be announced the same evening at the place of the venue (TBA) and on the competition website.

The final will be held on Sunday the 10th of August 2025 between 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. in Alavus (address TBA). The names of the winners of the competition will be announced after the competition performances in Alavus (TBA) and on the competition website.

The three best singers of the Toivo Kuula Singing Competition 2025 will be awarded as follows:
I Prize: 10.000 euros
II Prize: 6.000 euros
III Prize: 3.000 euros

The jury will also award the Seppo Ruohonen Prize for the best interpretation of contemporary music. The prize is worth 1.000 euros.

The Toivo Kuula Singing Competition 2025 welcomes all singers specializing in Western art music and classical singing irrespective of nationality, with the exception of Russian citizens residing in Russia while the country's war of aggression against Ukraine persists. The competition features a single, unified series open to singers of all voice types, and there is no age restriction. Participants are expected to possess advanced vocal technique and demonstrate mature expressiveness.


The repertoire requirement for the PREQUALIFICATION AUDITION recording (audition video) is one solo song composed by Toivo Kuula and one opera or oratorio aria of your own choice.
No folk song arrangements will be accepted for the pre-qualification repertoire.

The repertoire requirement for the PRELIMINARY COMPETITION is one solo song composed by Toivo Kuula and one solo song composed by a Finnish composer belonging to the genre of Western art music, composed in 2000 or later.
The song composed by Toivo Kuula can be the same as on the pre-qualification audition recording (audition video). The maximum duration of music is 10 minutes.

The repertoire requirement for the SEMI-FINAL (9th of August 2025) is one of the following options:
a) One song composed by Toivo Kuula and two solo songs composed by a Finnish composer belonging to the genre of Western art music, one of which must have been composed in 2000 or later.
b) Two songs composed by Toivo Kuula and one solo song composed by a Finnish composer belonging to the genre of Western art music , composed in 2000 or later.
One of the works from the semi-final programme may be a folk song arrangement by Toivo Kuula. The maximum duration of music is 15 minutes.

The repertoire requirement for the FINAL (10.8.2025) is two solo songs composed by Toivo Kuula and two songs composed by a Finnish composer belonging to the genre of Western art music, one of which must have been composed in 2000 or later.
In the final competition programme, one of the songs may be a folk song arrangement by Toivo Kuula.
The maximum duration of the program is 17 minutes.

In the semi-final and final competition repertoire, competitors are required to take into account the church as a performance venue.


The same song may not be performed again in several competition rounds, except in the prequalification audition recording (audition video) and preliminary competition, where the song composed by Toivo Kuula may be the same.

Songs of your choice may come from different composers.

A work composed in 2000 or later may also be an operatic aria if the composer of the work has written a vocal-piano arrangement of it as an independent work. The songs must be composed specifically for voice and piano or arranged by the composer themselves for voice and piano.

The repertoire must be performed entirely from memory. Solo songs may be transposed. Finnish-language song may be sung as a translation, if such is available as published by a sheet music publisher.

The competition participant will submit information of their competition repertoire by 31st of October 2024 to the Jury using the electronic registration form. The singers selected to the semifinals on the basis of the preliminary competition may make changes to their repertoire until the 5th of May 2025


To register for the Toivo Kuula singing competition, please send the competition committee an appropriately completed electronic registration form, which is activated on 1st September 2024 at the website. The registration form must include a direct link or two direct links to the video recordings in which the competitor presents their preliminary competition repertoire.

One video must include one solo song composed by Toivo Kuula and the other video must include an aria of your choice performed by a contestant. The recording must give a true picture of the competitor's abilities.

Do not upload videos as files, but upload them online, for example as a hidden video, to YouTube or Vimeo and attach the links to the registration form. Please note that there is a difference between "hidden" and "private" video. Hiding means that only people you've sent a link to the video can view the video. They don't appear on YouTube public pages, and you don't need a password to view them, just a link you send.

You can change the privacy settings for videos so that they're only visible to people you've sent a direct link to the video. In YouTube they are called "hidden videos" or "unlisted videos" and in Vimeo they can be found under "share unlisted videos" and selecting "only people with a private link" from the submenu. Be sure to include links in the registration form and make sure they work.

More detailed instructions can be found on the video services' own websites and via the links below:

Vimeo (“only people with a private link” -vaihtoehdon käyttämiseen)

YouTube (“unlisted”-videot ohje englanniksi)

Registration for the Toivo Kuula Singing Competition 2025 starts on 2.9.2024 and ends on 31.10.2024 (online form can be filled). Late applications will not be processed.

If, after submitting the application, the competitor wishes to make changes to their application, they must fill in and submit the online registration form again and make sure that video links are also included. In the above-mentioned case, the registration of the same competitor that arrived last during the registration period will be taken into account.

When registering for the competition, the participant agrees to comply with the rules of the Toivo Kuula singing competition 2025. The original language of these rules is Finnish. In the event of a conflict, the Finnish rules will be followed.


If the competitor does not have their own pianist, the competition committee offers the opportunity to perform with a competition pianist. The competition pianist must be provided with clear, legible sheet music. The sheet music for the preliminary competition must be submitted by 1 January 2025 and the sheet music for the semi-final and final by 5 May 2025 by e-mail in PDF format to the competition pianist's email address.

If the contestant wishes to perform the piece in a key other than that of the sheet music they have delivered, the contestant is obliged to compensate the pianist for the extra work caused by the transposing. Any key requests that differ from those sent by the competitor must be presented in connection with the submission of the notes.

Only legal sheet music should be used when performing works. Sheet music can be inquired from FIMIC - Finnish Music Information Centre, Finnish Composers Association, Korvat Auki ry, local music shops, libraries, and sheet music publishing houses, among others. Further information on the legality of the use of sheet music material is available from TEOSTO ry and KOPIOSTO. In addition, information on transpose costs, for example, can be found on the website of the Finnish Musicians' Union.

If a competitor submits unpublished works, they must submit a copy of the works to the jury for inspection no later than one month before the start of the competition. The competition committee may also , for special reasons, require that sheet music for a particular work be sent in advance for inspection.

The order of the participants of the Toivo Kuula Singing Competition 2025 will be drawn once the competition jury has made its decision on the singers accepted into the competition. The draw is carried out by the competition committee.

10§ JURY

The jury of the Toivo Kuula Singing Competition is appointed by the Singing Competition Committee and convened by the artistic director of the competition.

The members of the jury must have extensive knowledge of the vocal repertoire of Western art music, especially Finnish vocal music.

The jury for the pre-qualification and preliminary competition of the Toivo Kuula singing competition is a pre-qualification jury appointed by the competition committee and convened by the artistic director of the competition.

The jury will announce the winners of the Toivo Kuula singing competition and award the prizes at the end of the final on 10.8.2025 in Alavus (address TBA). The names of the winners will be published on the website of the Toivo Kuula singing competition the same evening.


The participants of the Toivo Kuula Singing Competition 2025 are expected to possess advanced singing techniques and expressive maturity. The competition seeks singers who are able to interpret music expressively and personally. The Toivo Kuula Singing Competition 2025 aims to inspire singers to curate a repertoire that reflects their unique artistic identity, to perform with verve and excellence as lied interpreters, and to cultivate their professional artistic persona.
The Toivo Kuula Singing Competition 2025 is dedicated to upholding the musical heritage of composer Toivo Kuula and fostering unique interpretations of his vocal works. The 2025 competition seeks to elevate the prominence of contemporary Finnish vocal music. All three rounds of the competition necessitate a solo song by a Finnish composer within the Western classical genre, composed in or after 2000. In assessing the contestants' performances, emphasis is placed not only on technical proficiency and expressive depth but also on the artistic discernment demonstrated in their repertoire selection.

The jury of the Toivo Kuula singing competition decides among itself on the scoring of the participants' vocal performances and the detailed evaluation criteria.

The task of the competition judges is to evaluate the participants as fairly as possible. The judge of the Toivo Kuula singing competition is obliged to recuse themself from judging a participant in the singing competition who is currently or has recently been a student of the judge in question.

The judge may also recuse themself if there is any other circumstance that would jeopardise the independence of the assessment. Such circumstances include, for example, close family or business relationships.

The chairman of the jury has the power to decide in unclear situations. Jury decisions cannot be appealed.

The jury clerk records the decisions made.


After the semi-final, competitors have the opportunity to receive feedback from at least one member of the jury on their performance in the competition. The task of the jury is to give feedback to the singers who participated in the semi-final in a constructive and respectful spirit.

Competitors must indicate at the time of registration for the semi-final if they would like feedback on their performance. The timing of the feedback discussion will be announced in connection with the publication of the results of the semi-final.

The jury does not give feedback on the preliminary competition performances or pre-qualification performances.


The singers accepted to the preliminary competition will be sent an invitation via email in December 2024. At the same time, the competitors will be informed of the exact schedule of the preliminary competition. In addition, the contact details of the competition pianist for sending sheet music will be provided if the competitor performs with a pianist appointed by the competition committee. Competitors are requested to confirm in writing whether they accept the competition place by the date specified in the invitation.

The singers accepted to the semi-final will receive a personal invitation to the competition via email in January 2025. Accepted entrants must confirm in writing that they accept the venue by the date specified in the invitation.

Upon accepting the competition place, the contestant undertakes to participate in the Toivo Kuula singing competition in August 2025 and to be free from other obligations that would prevent participation in the competition during the competition. If a competitor is prevented from participating, he/she is requested to notify the competition committee immediately after an obstacle arises.

The names of the singers selected for the semi-final will be published in January 2025 on the website of the Toivo Kuula singing competition.

The names of the singers accepted to the final will be announced in Alavus (address TBA) on the evening of the semi-final day the 9th of August 2025 after the final performance and the jury meeting. In addition, the names of the shortlisted singers will be published immediately on the website of the Toivo Kuula singing competition.

The names of the winners of the Toivo Kuula singing competition will be announced in Alavus (address TBA) on the day of the final on the 10th of August 2025 after the final performance and the jury meeting. The names of the winners will also be published on the website of the Toivo Kuula singing competition on the same evening.

The competitor covers their own travel and accommodation costs. If the competitor participates in the competition with a pianist other than the competition pianist, the competitor is also responsible for the costs incurred.


The competition committee offers singers participating in the competition the opportunity to perform with a pianist appointed by the competition committee.

A singer participating in the competition may choose to perform with their own pianist, in which case the contestant is responsible for the costs themselves.

Each competitor is entitled to one rehearsal session with the competition pianist before the preliminary competition and, if they progress further in the competition, once before the semi-final and final. The competitor is responsible for agreeing on additional exercises and for the costs.

The organisers of the Toivo Kuula singing competition have the unlimited exclusive right to radio, television, broadcast, film and photograph the competition performances and make audio or video recordings of them, as well as to perform the competition performances on the competition website and other information networks without paying compensation to the contestants and their pianists.

Any contestant who fails to comply with the provisions of these rules may be disqualified. The Competition Committee reserves the right to make changes and clarifications to the rules.


The participants of the Toivo Kuula singing competition and all actors in the organisation commit to complying with the principles of safer space, and no harassment, discrimination or offensive behaviour of any kind will be tolerated at the event. The ethical rules of the event are based on the principles of equality and safer space of the UN Association of Finland.

If inappropriate behaviour is detected at events, it will be addressed immediately. If necessary, a person guilty of harassment may be removed from the area of the event. The event's harassment contact person is Anu Katajamäki, who participants can contact at the venue directly or afterwards by email or phone at +358 40 573 4912.


The information provided in the registration form of the Toivo Kuula singing competition will be stored in the competition register, where the data will be stored until the 31st of December 2025, after which it will be destroyed appropriately.
The controller of the competition register is the City of Alavus (address Torikatu 1, 63300 Alavus).

The contact information provided will not be used for direct marketing purposes. Contacts by the organizer of the Toivo Kuula singing competition are made only for the purpose required by the singing competition. The personal data collected will only be used to inform about the Toivo Kuula Singing Competition 2025 regarding the contestants who have made it to the preliminary qualification, semi-finals and finals of the singing competition and to enable the contacts required by the competition between the organizer and the competitors.